Scrabble SLAM!


Scrabble Slam is the best-selling, fast-paced and easy to play card game version of Scrabble. Start with any 4-letter word on the table like “CAKE” and yell out “Ready, Set, Slam!” and the race is on. Quickly change the existing word, 1 letter card at a time, to create a new word like “BAKE” then change it to “BIKE” and so on. The first player to play out all their cards wins!

SKU: 2018 Categories: , Product ID: 5373


Scrabble Slam is the best-selling, fast-paced and easy to play card game version of Scrabble. Start with any 4-letter word on the table like “CAKE” and yell out “Ready, Set, Slam!” and the race is on. Quickly change the existing word, 1 letter card at a time, to create a new word like “BAKE” then change it to “BIKE” and so on. The first player to play out all their cards wins!


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